What are Bioparc Fuengirola opening hours?
The Bioparc Fuengirola opening hours vary slightly depending on the time of year. Here’s a quick breakdown:
Where is Bioparc Fuengirola located?
The park is centrally located in Fuengirola, a picturesque town along Spain’s Costa del Sol.
How many entrances does Bioparc Fuengirola have?
How many visitors does Bioparc Fuengirola welcome each year?
The best time to visit Bioparc Fuengirola largely depends on the season and day of the week. High season, which includes July and August, sees the park open from 10am to 11pm daily, attracting large crowds due to summer vacations. Conversely, low season typically runs from November to March, with shorter hours (10am to 6pm) and fewer visitors, making it a more peaceful experience. Visiting during the weekdays in low season can be particularly advantageous, as the park is less crowded, allowing for a more leisurely exploration of its exhibits and activities
Additionally, weekends tend to be busier due to family outings and special events. During weekends, the park offers unique enrichment activities that enhance visitor engagement with the animals. Therefore, if you prefer a quieter experience while still enjoying these activities, consider visiting on a weekday during the spring or fall months when the weather is pleasant and the park's hours are extended.
Bioparc Fuengirola is located in the heart of Costa del Sol, making it an excellent starting point to explore the area.
Bioparc Fuengirola is home to over 200 species, many of which are endangered. Notable species include the Sumatran tiger, Roloway monkeys (the only ones in Spain), Komodo dragons, and various lemurs. The park emphasizes a concept called "zoo immersion," allowing visitors to experience animals in environments that closely resemble their natural habitats
Yes, Bioparc Fuengirola offers various animal feeding demonstrations and educational talks throughout the day. These activities provide insights into the animals' behaviors and conservation efforts. It's advisable to check the daily schedule upon arrival to ensure you don't miss these engaging experiences
While photography is encouraged, direct interaction or taking photos with the animals is generally not permitted to ensure their safety and well-being. Visitors can capture images from designated viewing areas that maintain a safe distance from the animals
Animal activity can vary with the seasons. Generally, visiting during the cooler parts of the day—morning or late afternoon—is recommended, especially in summer, as many animals are more active during these times. Additionally, some species may be more visible during breeding seasons, which typically occur at different times throughout the year
Visitors are not allowed to bring food into Bioparc Fuengirola, although baby food is permitted. This policy helps maintain a clean environment and ensures that animals are not fed inappropriate items. There are vending machines and a restaurant inside where visitors can purchase food and drinks